Custom Software

M/B Consulting produces custom applications for Microsoft desktops and other environments. These can be based either on specifications provided by the client, or on the specifications generated in the course of a consulting project established to solve specific business problems.

It is the philosophy of M/B Consulting that custom software is one of many tools available to solve business problems and that the nature of the problem should dictate the choice of tools used to create a solution.

Mike Beaver, the principal consultant, has a strong educational background, including a Engineering B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and an MSEE/Solid State Physics from USC. This has been augmented with over two decades of experience as engineer and manager in the semiconductor industry, over five years of consulting experience, a number of programming courses from UCSC extension and several years of programming experience in multiple languages.

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Past projects have included:

Create a database system to accept in-process data from factory floor workers on a 24x7 basis and make it available in real time to engineers in several forms, including control charts.

Create reports from PROMIS using UDMS, a report writing package.

Create a database system for activity scheduling with HTML output.

Write short programs to reformat data from automatic test systems.

Write a set of java applications to handle Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, and tracking of WIP for a fabless semiconductor company.

Services Available:

Custom Visual C++/MFC Applications

Custom Java Applications

Visual Basic/VBA programming

Business consulting to define the specific nature of a problem and propose solutions.

Troubleshooting and project management