About M/B Consulting

M/B Consulting is a provider of services to the semiconductor industry and other small to mid-sized companies in the Bay Area. The company is a sole proprietorship operated by principal consultant Michael Beaver. For projects beyond the capabilities of a single consultant, the company has worked with other consultants in arrangements satisfactory to the client. At present, M/B Consulting is not accepting new clients

An extensive set of skills are available to support the needs of the client. For the semiconductor industry, these include detailed understanding of manufacturing processes, devices, systems, workflow, and business practices. On a more general level, programming for the desktop environment in C/C++, MFC, HTML, Java, and Visual Basic are available.

Mike Beaver, the principal consultant, has a strong educational background, including a Engineering B.S. from the California Institute of Technology and an MSEE/Solid State Physics from the University of Southern California. This has been augmented with over two decades of experience as engineer and manager in the semiconductor industry, over six years of consulting experience, and a number of programming courses from UCSC extension and experience as a software development engineer.

M/B Consulting is quite willing to take on those annoying projects that span several departments (and perhaps vendors/subcontractors) and require an understanding of each to frame the problem and propose a solution that is possible given the resources and concerns of those involved. Both consulting and project management services are available for these situations.

Past projects have included:

Configuration of PROMIS, a computer aided manufacturing system, to reflect the manufacturing flows of a semiconductor facility. This project has been completed in several different facilities.

Create a database system to accept in-process data from factory floor workers on a 24x7 basis and make it available in real time to engineers in several forms, including control charts.

Create reports from PROMIS using UDMS, a report writing package.

Create a database system for activity scheduling with HTML output.

Design and debug a controller for measuring instrument.

Provide technical consulting in patent infringement case

Services Available:

PROMIS consulting

Engineering and Business Consulting for the Semiconductor Industry

Custom Visual C++ Applications

Visual Basic/VBA programming

Technical consulting to support litigation

Troubleshooting and project management

Proposed new projects:

Short term individual contributor projects such as creating PROMIS reports, writing code for a specific application, or troubleshooting a process problem.

Ongoing individual contributor projects where the flexibility of using non-employee resources is desired or internal resources are not available.

Traditional business consulting involving systems and methodologies where an outside resource is required to provide an independent evaluation or internal resources are not available.

Create Custom Desktop Applications.